Fair Launch Sale
The Fair Launch PinkSale link will be 25th NOV 2022, 10:00 UTC Time.
THIS IS THE OFFICIAL PINKSALE LINK:https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x740738869bdb5EDd252b42f2dDb4603FBDf9a116?chain=BSC
We will follow a Fair Launch and comply to Fair Launch Rules where everyone will be able to acquire W3F tokens in an equal way on the PinkSale platform using BNB.
Whitelist - There is no whitelisting required. Everybody will have an equal chance to buy W3F on PinkSale at release time. First come, first serve. One good new for our participants is that there is no hardcap, however once our soft cap is reached, there will be no further available investment at the fair Launch rate. The only way to buy W3F will be on PankcakeSwap upon public market release via the W3F/BNB pair.
PancakeSwap Listing - After initial fair Launch funding has completed we will go to market by creating the W3F/BNB liquidity pair within 24 hours.
Pre-Launch funds will be used to create the PancakeSwap W3F/BNB liquidity pair. This liquidity will be locked for 399 days via trusted PinkLock.
Initial Supply -1,061,002,982 - 300,000,000 Available to Purchase on PinkSale Pre-Launch - 150,000,000 Tokens for Liquidity - 15.000,000 For Website PreSell and the rest will be burnt before Fair launch
Token Breakdown - 150.000.000 will be used for PancakeSwap to match 60% liquidity and remaining 40% will be used for marketing
PinkSale Fair-Launch Price - As there is no hardcap so as long as more participates coming tokens against BNB respectively decreased.
Soft Cap - 25 BNB Hard Cap - no limit (If softcap hit participants must have to wait for fairlaunch to ends then market will be initialized and listing on pancakeswap). Minimum Purchase - 0.1 BNB Maximum Purchase - no limit
PancakeSwap Launch Price - its fair launch same price on pcs listing.
Initial Market Cap (Estimate) - Depends on total raised funds (estimated $3000k)
Join Fairlaunch: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x740738869bdb5EDd252b42f2dDb4603FBDf9a116?chain=BSC
Last updated